I have a special fondness for horror movies. It doesn't mean I like all horror movies. I have preferences, yet that doesn't mean I strictly adhere to my preferences. I consider films like Rosemary's Baby and the Shining as classics. But I am also willing to lower the standards to watch a movie like Feral, which I consider highly unoriginal yet watchable(depending on your mood).
I am not going to write about Feral now. My focus here is another movie of considerable gore and violence, which may put you in a dilemma: Wolf Creek(2005). The dilemma is that though I enjoyed Wolf Creek I might not put it along with other great horror flicks I adore. For the time being let's call Wolf Creek one of the top films in my list of guilty pleasure movies.
The events in Wolf Creek takes place in the Australian outback. Three backpackers, two women and one dude, get kidnapped by a crazy guy. The crazy guy tortures them in a brutal manner. It is later revealed that the trio are not his first set of victims. He has a nasty history of abducting and torturing innocent tourists who come to visit the Wolf Creek National Park in Australia.
This is the central conflict in the movie. The rest of the plot deals with whether they will escape from his clutches. This plot is very familiar to horror movie fans worldwide. We have seen this plot in the John Boorman classic Deliverance (remember the infamous 'squeel like a pig' sequence?). It is this familiarity and not-so-bad making that made me sit through Wolf Creek. I am not judging the movie. But I can sit through it again and I won't never regret it.
Wolf Creek(2005)
Director: Greg McLean
Starring: Nathan Phillips, Cassandra Magrath, Kestie Morassi
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